PornHub recently published it’s 9th yearly insights. A yearly infographic containing numbers and statistics about categories, devices, user demographic and other trends on the huge porn platform. We found some interesting statistics about the popularity of virtual reality porn. For instance, did you know that boomers have yet to discover the world of virtual reality porn?
Gen Z and Gen Y loved VR Porn in 2022
One of the key takeaways from the Pornhub dataset is the increase of virtual reality porn searches by Gen Z and Gen Y.
Gen Y, also known as ‘millennials’ consists of people born between 1980 and 1999. This group of people aged between 18 and 24 showed twice the interest in ‘virtual reality’ on PornHub compared to the year before. With a whopping 101% increase in volume it’s second on the list of most popular categories on PornHub, right under the ‘Threesomes’ categorie which showed a 115% increase in popularity.
Gen Z is the generation that follows Gen Y, so this is the name for the generation born between 1997 and 2012. This generation also showed a huge interest in VR porn compared to last years data from PornHub. The VR Porn category for this demographic is listed as 5th highest rising category, with a 43% increase in engagement.

Older generations and VR Porn
According to PornHub data the older generations like Gen X and boomers are not that into VR porn. It’s sad to think our boomer-friends are missing out on all the immersive virtual reality porn.
What do you think? Will Boomers eventually discover virtual reality POV porn in glorious 8K? We’re not sure.